• KCN Organistaions Header 1970601
    Christian Organisations & Para Church Ministry LINKS in New Zealand
  • KCN Organistaions Header 1970602


54 Christian Organisations & Para Church Ministry LINKS in NZ for 2025

JC2033 Logo 800x401The Awesome Power of Blessing Richard Brunton African Enterprise logo3 ALPHA course 800x401 

Auckland Church Network NZ 800x400  Authentic Mens mag logo 800x402  Bible Gateway logo2  Bible Society NZ 800400

Canon J.John 400200 ecm AoNZ 800x400

missions interlink 748x374  CAP logo  cba logo 800x400  Christian Resource Centre 400200

Untitled 3

 CYS logo 400200  Dove Bookshop 800x400 Elevate 800x400 

Emmaus Road Ministries 800x400  Family first 800x400  

Intercessors for NZ 800400  C4Israel logo  Christian Superstore 400  Christian Surfers NZ 800400

CitybyCty 800400  DPM logo 800x401  Derek Prince Christchurch Store 800x400  Fantail Studios 800400 

 Gideons of NZ 800401  HOPE Project 800400 Hub of Hope 800x400  kam 800400 

MAF NZ 800400   NZ Christian Network 800400  OAC logo 800400  One Mission Society 800x401

  Open Doors NZ 400x200 Out of Zion 800x400  

PKNZ logo 800400  Pray As One 800x400  Redeem TV 800400  RHEMA 800400  

Shane Willard Ministries 800400  Shine TV 800400  Shining Lights 400x200  Slavic Gospel Association NZ 

Sports Chaplaincy

Asset+47Small4  Voice for Life 800400  Voice of the Martyrs 800x401 

 Worls Vision 800x400  WOW 800x401 Wycliffe 800x400  YWAM Oxford

Alphabetical List of '51' Ministries

African Enterprise

ALPHA - New Zealand

Auckland Church Network

Authentic Men's Magazine

Awesome Power of Blessing

Bible Gateway

Bible Society of NZ

Canon J.John

CAP Christians Against Poverty

CBA Christian Broadcasting Association

Christians for Israel

Christian Resource Centre Auckland NZ

Christian Superstore - Christchurch NZ

Christian Surfers New Zealand

Christian Value Bookshop Christchurch

CitybyCity - Aotearoa New Zealand

CYS Canterbury Youth Services

Derek Prince Ministries

Derek Prince Ministries - Bookshop

Dove Bookshop - St Christophers Bishopdale

ECM - European Christian Mission - NZ

Elevate Christian Disability Trust

Emmaus Road Ministries - Graeme Carle

Family First - New Zealand

Fantail TV & Studios NZ

Gideons of New Zealand

Hope Project Tauranga NZ

Hub of Hope - NZ

Intercessors for New Zealand


Kingdom Advance Ministries - Mark Banyard

MAF - Mission Aviation Fellowship - NZ

Missions Interlink

NZ Christian Network

OAC - Outreach & Church Ministries NZ

OMS - One Mission Society - NZ

Open Doors

Out of Zion Ministries - David & Josie Silver

PKNZ - Promise Keepers NZ

Pray As One NZ

Redeem TV - USA

Rhema Radio - NZ

Shane Willard Ministries

Shine TV - NZ

Shining Lights trust - Tauranga NZ

SGA - Slavic Gospel Association NZ

Sports Chaplaincy NZ

Te Hahi Aotearoa

VFL - Voice For Life

Voice of The Martyrs

World Vision NZ

WOW - Walk'n On Water - Christchurch NZ

Wycliffe NZ - Bible Translators

YWAM - Oxford NZ