54 Christian Organisations & Para Church Ministry LINKS in NZ for 2025
Alphabetical List of '51' Ministries
CAP Christians Against Poverty
CBA Christian Broadcasting Association
Christian Resource Centre Auckland NZ
Christian Superstore - Christchurch NZ
Christian Value Bookshop Christchurch
CitybyCity - Aotearoa New Zealand
Derek Prince Ministries - Bookshop
Dove Bookshop - St Christophers Bishopdale
ECM - European Christian Mission - NZ
Elevate Christian Disability Trust
Emmaus Road Ministries - Graeme Carle
Kingdom Advance Ministries - Mark Banyard
MAF - Mission Aviation Fellowship - NZ
OAC - Outreach & Church Ministries NZ
OMS - One Mission Society - NZ
Out of Zion Ministries - David & Josie Silver
Shining Lights trust - Tauranga NZ
SGA - Slavic Gospel Association NZ
WOW - Walk'n On Water - Christchurch NZ
Wycliffe NZ - Bible Translators