Christian Book Shop - AUCKLAND

Church Description

Evermore Books & Christian Resource Centre

9 Ellis Street, Mt. Roskill, AUCKLAND

Evermore: (09) 626 2256 or CRC: (09) 09 377 4059

Secondhand Books & NEW Books - One stop . . . Online Service

Evermore Books hosts 'CRC' Christian Resource Centre in their premises, so indeed CRC is an online store mostly. And some good portion of CRC stock is also on hand.

Evermore Books Ross Davidson and associate Bogdan Magolan Christian Resource Centre

Evermore Books Ross Davidson and associate, Bogdan Magolan Christian Resource Centre

'Evermore' for second hand books and 'Christian Resource Centre' is mostly new books - Online . . .

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CLICK Poster and Header for the Evermore & CRC websites . . .

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Second Hand and NEW books all in one convenient Mt.Roskill Auckland location

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Huge selection of pre-loved Christian Books for you to choose from . . .

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Church Details