Te Hahi - the Backstory - from Gisborne Turanga . .
Church Description
Te Hahi and the Gisborne Police.
This is the backstory of Te Hahi...
CLICK on the YouTube Arrows below to view YouTube VIDEO as presented at the City Changers Conference in Auckland, hosted by The River Church, with thanks to Pastor Peter Morton. ... The presenters are Gisborne own Pastor Guthrie Boyd with Karaitiana Akroyd )
Also a second Video updated explanation with the Police . .
This initiative was initiated by a former Policewoman, Tui Keenan - who was moved with compassion as she fulfilled her role in the Police. She saw the need of Christian ministry, aroha & support for the Police & community especially in the area of family harm.
In due course of time she was able to share her vision with Commander Sam Aberahama who placed his support behind Tui to bring the vision to a reality.
On Sunday evening 27th September 2016 the Gisborne Churches gathered for a Combined Church Service - 'Prayer For The Police', which was jam packed with around 250 attending.
Police Area Commander, Sam Aberahama, called on Churches to partner with the Police as we launched the 'Te Hahi' ' (The Church) initiative.
An absolutely unique occassion made even more memorable when Commander Sam closed with an impromptu 'Lords Prayer' sung in his Cook Island tongue.
The 'Te Hahi concept - involves 10 Church leaders, who will be available on a roster rotation, to be called on to provide - prayer, counsel, pastoral help, CAP Debt Centre advice, etc, - when Police offer this to 'clients' and it is accepted, in what they will assess as safe and appropriate circumstances. Approved volunteers from each church will also be required to assist Pastors.
NOTE received from Sam Aberahama - Area Commander: Tairawhiti Police
Kia Orana everyone,
I want to thank you all for your contribution towards making TeHahi what it is. Without your Aroha, caring and wanting to support our distressed whanau, we would not be on this journey.
Please trust that it is early days and that the initiative is growing and developing. Your faith in TeHahi is your faith in our whanau.
On behalf of the police, I am proud of our relationship and know that it will go from strength to strength moving forward.
Kia kaha, Kia Manuia,
Sam Aberahama
Area Commander: Tairawhiti Police
NOTED - 3 June 2017 some 8 months have now passed - and currently the planning is underway to once again gather for another Combined Service of thanksgiving, worship and celebration - date and time as on the accompanying Notice posted here on this Noticeboard.
NOTED - 17 July 2017 - once again we can report that the 'Second Combined Church Service' took place as planned in the War Memorial Theatre and was an absolute blessing to all who attended... planning is already underway for another Service to take place pre Christmas 2017.
NOTED - 07 September 2017 - today the work of TeHahi continues - growing day by day - as fresh doors of opportunity are opened - and those involved wait on HIS leading in prayer and respond when those unique Divine appointments are received...
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