True Untold Backstory of Easter - from Whitby UK to Gisborne NZ
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True Untold Backstory of Easter
. . . from Whitby, UK to Turanga-Gisborne, NZ . . .
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WHITBY, UK to Turanga - Gisborne, NZ Juxtaposition
. . . by Ray Sheldrake
October 2019 . . . was the focus of our nation with > Turanga-Gisborne < commemorating the FIRST meetings in 1769 of Maori & European - when the Endeavour arrived.
Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr and former Prime Minister, Jenny Shipley - co-led the commemoration: TUIA Encounters 250 commencing with the replica Endeavour visit.
Knowing this commemoration carried a degree of racial tension - we wanted to find a way – a Christian way - to model ‘Peace and Reconciliation’ – so with the help of ‘Mr. Google’ we stumbled across a little known fact - a unique opportunity - to share the Gospel of Christ – to this end – we now have this 27 page PDF Booklet - Online for anyone to download . . . FREE . . .
The ‘True Untold backstory of Easter’ reveals an amazing Juxtaposition that exists between the town of WHITBY – and Turanga (original Maori name) - now Gisborne.
Our Juxtaposition commences before the United Kingdom was formed - before Colonial power existed . . . well before the 14th Century - with the first recorded arrival of Maori in Aotearoa. Neither had a young James Cook even learnt to sail - let alone Captain the Endeavour from Whitby in 1769.
We step back to 663AD . . . 1,356 years ago in WHITBY
To meet Abbess HILD an amazing lady of ‘Peace & Reconciliation’ as she on behalf of KING OSWY (of Northumbria) – hosts the WHITBY SYNOD – a gathering of Celtic and Roman Christians who would debate for the LUNAR or SOLAR calendar regarding EASTER – with KING OSWY having the final decision. His Calendar decision - we in New Zealand – follow – adhere to today.
Included in the booklet - our own Gisborne Assembly of God Pastor Jennifer Boyd has written an overview of the Easter storyline – explaining the LUNAR / SOLAR debate… and how that relates to Passover and Eggs / Hot Cross Buns / and furballs with long ears and cute tails.
Now as we all know Gisborne is: ‘The First to see the Light’ – And - ‘Tairawhiti’ the Maori name for the district - means “the coast upon which the sun shines across the water”. To my amazement - in 663AD - WHITBY was known as: ‘The Bay of Light’ –
Could there ever have been a more prophetic NAME or STATEMENT given to a ‘FIRST’ meeting – The Endeavour came out of - and to - a place of LIGHT . . .
Others would soon follow - with ‘THE TRUE LIGHT’ of the Gospel. I recall the late Monte Ohia teaching how Maoridom accepted the Gospel faster than any other indigenous people group on the planet – with the arrival of Reverends Samuel Marsden /Henry Williams / William Williams / William Yate – in time they secured the release of Ngapuhi’s, Ngati Porou slaves.
When Piripi Taumata A Kura and the other slaves returned to the East Coast – THE LIGHT - THE FIRE – The Gospel was set ablaze and Revival broke out.
This booklet shares a Juxtaposition of LIGHT & Darkness: including
* The Cross * Passover * Whitby Abbey * Caedmon * Steam Trains * Rigg Mill * Queen Victoria * Jet the Gemstone * Te Kuri o Paoa * Young Nick’s Head * The Black Dog and Dracula
Let me share two teasers involving Gisborne Pastors. . . . plus a two dog byline..
If you wondered why - I mentioned Dracula – it’s because the Author Bram Stoker based his book on the ruins of Whitby Abbey – the opening narrative tells of Whitby Tourist Spots - including Rig Mill – now Rig Mill just happens to be home and birthplace to the great grandfather of Gisborne’s Anglican Minister: Rev. Stephen Donald.
The Second teaser – If I ask you – “Who built the original Endeavour that came to Gisborne?” You may be surprised to know that our lGisborne ALIVE Church Pastor Bruce Whitley’s maternal great grandparent was Thomas FISHBURN – the Shipbuilder that created the Endeavour.
Those 2 Dogs – The backstory of Young Nick’s Head – or so it was named by Captain Cook was formerly known to Maori as Te Kuri-a-Pāoa - meaning the Dog of Pāoa.
“Who was Pāoa you may ask?” - Good question - Pāoa was the Captain of the Horouta Waka… which arrived way, way, way, before Captain Cook.
We have juxtaposed Pāoa’s missing dog with Dracula’s Black Dog – Both disappeared … One LIGHT … One DARK ….
The purpose of the booklet has been to find positive - rather than negative LINKS between Whitby and Turanga-Gisborne – to show that GOD has always been quietly working behind the scene – displacing Darkness so that HIS LIGHT – HIS WORD – HIS PRESENCE …
Be brought to the ends of the earth - as HE has Endeavoured to Gift HIS LIGHT and understanding into the hearts of men and women, young and old, of all nations, races, cultures and understanding… that HIS Peace may abound more and more… that HIS Gospel be shared and freely offered to one and all…
I would encourage you / invite you / to download and spend a few minutes reading this FREE presentation.